monsieur Burns:
Soirée leucatoise
monsieur Burns:
Usual suspect
monsieur Burns:
Le Galion
monsieur Burns:
Usual suspect
monsieur Burns:
"Then you will not leave this room alive."
monsieur Burns:
Citroën Méhari
monsieur Burns:
Usual suspect
monsieur Burns:
“If you wanted to be cheerful, or melancholic, or wistful , or thoughtful, or courteous, you simply had to act those things with every gesture.”
monsieur Burns:
“Thanks for all the wonderful memories. They're like something in a museum already or something preserved in amber, a little unreal, as you must have felt yourself always to me.”
monsieur Burns:
"Elle y a dîné et est ensuite restée assise dans un coin de la salle du café jusqu'à onze heures. Autrement dit, elle a repris le train de onze heures quarante."
monsieur Burns:
“You Can Think What You Want. Opinion Is The Wilderness Between Knowledge And Ignorance.”
monsieur Burns:
Usual suspect
monsieur Burns:
Leucate Plage
monsieur Burns:
Leucate Plage
monsieur Burns:
Leucate Plage
monsieur Burns:
Usual suspect
monsieur Burns:
Usual suspect
monsieur Burns:
Usual suspect