monsieur Burns:
"You don't waste good"
monsieur Burns:
"Never go anywhere without a knife"
monsieur Burns:
"Never let suspects stay together"
monsieur Burns:
"Always watch the watchers"
monsieur Burns:
"First thing first,hide the women and children"
monsieur Burns:
"Keep digging till you hit bottom"
monsieur Burns:
"Clean up your messes"
monsieur Burns:
"Never date a coworker"
monsieur Burns:
"When a job is done, walk away"
monsieur Burns:
"There are two ways to follow someone. 1st way, they never notice you. 2nd way, they only notice you."
monsieur Burns:
"Bend the line, don't break it"
monsieur Burns:
"Always look under"
monsieur Burns:
"If you feel like you're being played, you probably are"
monsieur Burns:
"There is no such thing as coincidence"
monsieur Burns:
"Sometimes-you're wrong"
monsieur Burns:
"Never, ever involve lawyers"
monsieur Burns:
"Never take anything for granted"
monsieur Burns:
"Your case, your lead" Rule#38
monsieur Burns:
"Never be unreachable"
monsieur Burns:
"Leave room for someone exiting the elevator"
monsieur Burns:
"If it seems like someone's out to get you,they are."
monsieur Burns:
"Bend the line, don't break it."
monsieur Burns:
"When a job is done, walk away"
monsieur Burns:
"Never let suspects stay together"
monsieur Burns:
"Always watch the watchers"
monsieur Burns:
"Always watch the watchers"
monsieur Burns:
"Clean up your messes"
monsieur Burns:
"When a job is done, walk away."
monsieur Burns:
"Always watch the watchers"
monsieur Burns:
"Never go anywhere without a knife"