monsieur Burns: La visite
monsieur Burns: Trop chargé.
monsieur Burns: L'attente
monsieur Burns: No touch !
monsieur Burns: The Wires
monsieur Burns: Rétro Tour
monsieur Burns: La terrasse
monsieur Burns: Das Auto
monsieur Burns: "Can you help me live a little more ? I expect good news."
monsieur Burns: "Un vacarme traversa l'espace du côté de la route..."
monsieur Burns: "He lived behind a barrier through witch they said no man could ever pass." (The Right Stuff, 1983)
monsieur Burns: "They say whoever challenged him would die."(The Right Stuff, 1983)
monsieur Burns: Interstellar
monsieur Burns: Touriste !
monsieur Burns: "You can either waste time worrying about a death that might not come or concentrate on what's left to you." (Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer)
monsieur Burns: "Silence creates its own violence." (Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer)
monsieur Burns: "Desolation tries to colonize you." (Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer)
monsieur Burns: "Is it safe ?" (Marathon Man, John Schlesinger, 1976)
monsieur Burns: "When you need help, ask."
monsieur Burns: "Always work as a team"
monsieur Burns: " They must never again leave this city."