Miles S.: Sitting Duck
Miles S.: Bird of the Pond
Miles S.: Bird of the Pond
Miles S.: Chickens
Miles S.: Chicken
Miles S.: Grass Munchers
Miles S.: "What's that human doing?"
Miles S.: Cows looking curious
Miles S.: Small Tortoiseshell
Miles S.: Apple Blossom
Miles S.: Bee Orchid
Miles S.: DSC02171
Miles S.: DSC02172
Miles S.: DSC02174
Miles S.: Flowerbed Assortment
Miles S.: Flowerbed Assortment
Miles S.: Flowerbed Assortment
Miles S.: Daisy Dog
Miles S.: Daisy Dog
Miles S.: Apple
Miles S.: The Domestic Hen
Miles S.: Crunch
Miles S.: Peck, Peck
Miles S.: Watchful
Miles S.: Traipsing
Miles S.: Snacking