monokhromist: the bug's ladder
monokhromist: the olde chakra
monokhromist: houseyes
monokhromist: postindustriālās refleksijas / postindustrial reflections
monokhromist: containing
monokhromist: dzīve pie dzelzceļa / life near the railway
monokhromist: stroyka before rain
monokhromist: lines of rising I
monokhromist: i'll eat you too
monokhromist: once it radiated
monokhromist: shadow acrobatics
monokhromist: do not enter the yellow bulb
monokhromist: the yellow power
monokhromist: run backwards
monokhromist: vērotājs / the watcher
monokhromist: strukture in afternoon
monokhromist: random citizens of Klaipēda '93
monokhromist: the number of the boat
monokhromist: cut down & broken
monokhromist: fusion
monokhromist: old apples twist
monokhromist: towards the next spring