Monki Photos: Victoria Station times and bill board
Monki Photos: Buckingham Gates
Monki Photos: Buckingham Gates
Monki Photos: Buckingham Palace
Monki Photos: Sammy Posing for the Queen
Monki Photos: A bad picture of me
Monki Photos: Grand Statue
Monki Photos: The Mall
Monki Photos: Arse and Balls
Monki Photos: Sammy Against the Mall
Monki Photos: Through the Fence
Monki Photos: Attention!
Monki Photos: Stately Visitors
Monki Photos: Green Park Walk
Monki Photos: Rememberance
Monki Photos: Horse Crossing
Monki Photos: Wellington Arch
Monki Photos: Memorial
Monki Photos: Wellington Arch in full
Monki Photos: Wellington Arch Charging Horses
Monki Photos: The Serpentine
Monki Photos: Splashy Duck
Monki Photos: The Serpentine and tower beyond
Monki Photos: Diana Memorial
Monki Photos: Hyde Park Gardens
Monki Photos: Pending Virgin Departure, Euston
Monki Photos: You spin me right round (Explored)
Monki Photos: Not a tripod a wall doth make
Monki Photos: Red one