man durphy: ok.. but only if you invade Iraq with us
man durphy: does hope come in metric too?
man durphy: Union Station couches
man durphy: mirrored
man durphy: pimp my wheelchair
man durphy: Venice Beach
man durphy: rollercoaster
man durphy: The feeling is mutual
man durphy: Santa Monica
man durphy: Jumping Jackpot
man durphy: Santa Monica
man durphy: car park soccer game
man durphy: Rodeo Drive
man durphy: in da hood
man durphy: Abercrombie & Fitch
man durphy: Poppie
man durphy: California
man durphy: Farmers Markets
man durphy: hot sauce
man durphy: palm thursday
man durphy: Chinese Theater
man durphy: Oscars
man durphy: Where dreams were made
man durphy: USA TODAY - the ONION
man durphy: Chinese Theater
man durphy: Elvis
man durphy: 90210 Happy