man durphy: aIMG_9069-01
man durphy: Mongolian Cosmonaut
man durphy: aIMG_9075-01
man durphy: aIMG_9092-01
man durphy: aIMG_9102-01
man durphy: sunset
man durphy: fixing the bike
man durphy: ice lake
man durphy: aIMG_9118-01
man durphy: good luck
man durphy: nomads
man durphy: the gang
man durphy: no idea
man durphy: in the ger
man durphy: the dutchlanders
man durphy: happy pooh
man durphy: adrian sitting at the volcano
man durphy: the volcano
man durphy: the hike
man durphy: daniel being run over
man durphy: toro and lucas
man durphy: new idea
man durphy: aIMG_9109-01
man durphy: hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil
man durphy: OUTSIDE IS NOT SO SAFE!!
man durphy: monolian