man durphy: why food is expensive
man durphy: pippa looking
man durphy: view 2
man durphy: view 3
man durphy: view 4
man durphy: view 5
man durphy: love locked
man durphy: view 6
man durphy: smurfs
man durphy: medium format
man durphy: guarding
man durphy: pensive
man durphy: looking out
man durphy: sunset
man durphy: watching the sunset
man durphy: frosted trees
man durphy: sunrise
man durphy: Where we were staying - at the base of a dam
man durphy: bridge of immortals
man durphy: bridge of immortals - this way
man durphy: crazy steps
man durphy: steps
man durphy: I wonder what the poor are doing?
man durphy: monkey rock
man durphy: mount doom
man durphy: mount doom entrance
man durphy: resting
man durphy: why food cost so much