Main Monkey: The bears are set free
Main Monkey: The zookeeper came out to pour honey on the rocks
Main Monkey: Searching for the fish
Main Monkey: First pass, fish got away
Main Monkey: Still looking
Main Monkey: Cornered, at our feet
Main Monkey: Now that's fishing!
Main Monkey: Is he eating the fish, or my child?
Main Monkey: Tasty chow
Main Monkey: Catch of the day
Main Monkey: Finishing the meal
Main Monkey: Colin was a little less amazed than we were
Main Monkey: If you don't eat your fish, how can you have any apples?
Main Monkey: Bobbing for apples
Main Monkey: Raising an apple from the back of his paw
Main Monkey: Back for the bits
Main Monkey: Just a flew more licks