Main Monkey: Surprise!
Main Monkey: IMG_7781.JPG
Main Monkey: IMG_7782.JPG
Main Monkey: "Can we please finish taking this picture so I can have the camera back, daddy?"
Main Monkey: Melissa rides herd on Colin
Main Monkey: "Are you ever going to give it back, Colin?"
Main Monkey: "When I catch you, the camera's mine"
Main Monkey: Colin shoots mommy!
Main Monkey: Colin shoots mommy unawares
Main Monkey: Colin takes a shot of the poor kid without a camera
Main Monkey: Colin takes a shot of the competition
Main Monkey: Colin notices he can take pictures of his own feet
Main Monkey: Colin loves trees 2
Main Monkey: Colin loves trees 1
Main Monkey: Not a bad one of daddy!
Main Monkey: Most of daddy captured
Main Monkey: "Does anyone know whose kid this is?"
Main Monkey: Colin's got an eye for nature shots
Main Monkey: IMG_7818.JPG
Main Monkey: Colin captures this beautiful tree well
Main Monkey: "Who is this little guy with the camera?"
Main Monkey: Colin goes for another Batman shot
Main Monkey: Colin views the reception at a remove
Main Monkey: Colin discovers gravel is an eternally awesome photo subject
Main Monkey: IMG_7827.JPG
Main Monkey: Colin is caught in the act!
Main Monkey: Colin still learning to hold the camera straight
Main Monkey: Colin seems to have picked this shot carefully
Main Monkey: "Out, camera-gremlin!"
Main Monkey: Colin captures most of Paul