Main Monkey: Bright light!
Main Monkey: The next generation uses the metric system!
Main Monkey: What are you lookin' at?
Main Monkey: Stop it!
Main Monkey: You'd be unhappy too if someone made you wear this hat
Main Monkey: Who wants a wing?
Main Monkey: Grumpy
Main Monkey: Exhausted, amazing woman...
Main Monkey: She did it!
Main Monkey: Consider for a second how hard it is to muster up a smile after you go through 19 hours of labor.
Main Monkey: Say hello to our little friend!
Main Monkey: We're so tired we don't know who we are
Main Monkey: Can we stop smiling and pass out now?
Main Monkey: First order of business!
Main Monkey: Lo-jacked
Main Monkey: Dagger-like fingernails
Main Monkey: She derives her power from the yellow sun!
Main Monkey: First bath
Main Monkey: Whyyyyyy?
Main Monkey: "Can't... breathe..."
Main Monkey: Guess who's a big brother?
Main Monkey: Two down, eight to go!
Main Monkey: Birthday hangover
Main Monkey: Getting the word out!
Main Monkey: Gorilla hair
Main Monkey: Ah, the drugs just kicked in...
Main Monkey: Grandpa and Mimi meet Joey
Main Monkey: Claude digs her
Main Monkey: ZZZZzzzz...
Main Monkey: Ensconced