Main Monkey: Converse party
Main Monkey: img_0302
Main Monkey: Curb appeal defined
Main Monkey: Grin if you like the taste of dust!
Main Monkey: Penny's ACL surgery bandage
Main Monkey: Say hello to our little friend!
Main Monkey: Note the footprints
Main Monkey: Sistine chapel for dyslexics
Main Monkey: Sad state
Main Monkey: Tanning salon
Main Monkey: The light, it burns! HISSSSS!
Main Monkey: Baby Jackson
Main Monkey: Shoulder Rig
Main Monkey: Breakfast
Main Monkey: Presents!
Main Monkey: At the Melso wedding reception
Main Monkey: IMG_0320.JPG
Main Monkey: Sunset on the eve of the Melso wedding
Main Monkey: IMG_0319.JPG
Main Monkey: Glottis shirt
Main Monkey: Einstein, action hero. Prove that theorem!
Main Monkey: ZZZZzzzz...
Main Monkey: Hammock reading session
Main Monkey: Logan's stroller under attack from a boarding party
Main Monkey: Colin learns to play ball
Main Monkey: The guilty party
Main Monkey: Caufields chow down