Main Monkey: Leggo!
Main Monkey: Father Phil is practicing
Main Monkey: Where's the boob?
Main Monkey: Baby's first meal
Main Monkey: img_0283
Main Monkey: img_0284
Main Monkey: And then they were all, like, "Have fun with the baby. See ya!"
Main Monkey: See this? It's a Du Bois 2006 EX, hottest ride on the road... I'm still in the break-in period, though.
Main Monkey: What have you done!
Main Monkey: But everybody's doing it!
Main Monkey: 6 month mug
Main Monkey: 6 month mug 2
Main Monkey: Floor exercises
Main Monkey: Anyone know whose kid this is?
Main Monkey: If I sit really still, he'll go away.
Main Monkey: 1-2-3-Pinned!
Main Monkey: Camping fun
Main Monkey: My foot! My foot!
Main Monkey: Mmm, carrots
Main Monkey: Seize the moment. . .
Main Monkey: Wait for it. . .
Main Monkey: Some in, some out
Main Monkey: Spoon smile!
Main Monkey: Roughing it
Main Monkey: Ready, set, crawl!
Main Monkey: Cutest picture ever!
Main Monkey: Family time, doggy bliss
Main Monkey: Splashing 101
Main Monkey: And this is fun? Huh.
Main Monkey: Is it like a bath, then?