Main Monkey: T+2 minutes
Main Monkey: Exhaustion, relief
Main Monkey: There's a switch that turns on inside you
Main Monkey: It all seems so corny until it happens
Main Monkey: Three monkeys
Main Monkey: Not a day old and he already can't get the monkey off his back
Main Monkey: Right after the flash, he passed out face down
Main Monkey: #10 for the demon grandparents
Main Monkey: Colin gets his Grandma on
Main Monkey: Proud pop
Main Monkey: Napping in Grandpa Claude's arms
Main Monkey: First quiet, wakeful moment, 3:30am
Main Monkey: I'm not scared, I just don't know what you are
Main Monkey: If I had lapels, I'd be hooking my thumbs in them
Main Monkey: I think that noise came from his butt
Main Monkey: Proud Grandpa Claude
Main Monkey: 3D, comin' at ya!
Main Monkey: By the way, he's lo-jacked at the ankle, so don't even think of swiping him.
Main Monkey: Did you see in the Hulk movie where they had him in that observation tank?
Main Monkey: Blue light special
Main Monkey: Tanning salon
Main Monkey: Space capsule
Main Monkey: Feeling blue
Main Monkey: In the future, men will have artificial pouches
Main Monkey: Women will have pouches too.
Main Monkey: Don't laugh, it's what you're supposed to do