monkey donut: en-route to Oaxaca along world's curviest road
monkey donut: view from minivan #1
monkey donut: hey look we are in a minivan!!
monkey donut: view from minivan #2 aka some where in deepest Oaxaca State
monkey donut: bouncy, bouncy 'cos i'm the Tigger !!!
monkey donut: balloon boy he needs a few more to fly a la "Up"..
monkey donut: Dave Kuyper looky-likey in the zocolo
monkey donut: the most fantastic market in all of Mexico !!
monkey donut: cheese Gromit !!
monkey donut: mole madness.. made from chocolate not moles ;)
monkey donut: meat market. dude, you would not believe the smell..
monkey donut: Oaxaca VIVE!!
monkey donut: heuvos rancheros every day for a fortnight - i am not kidding.
monkey donut: in a mirror - i'm in this photo somewhere..
monkey donut: Convento de Santa Domingo
monkey donut: waiting..
monkey donut: secret love ;)
monkey donut: street scene
monkey donut: get your knives sharp here
monkey donut: HOLY SHIT the hot chocolate is amazing !!!
monkey donut: tortilla soup at the fancy restaurant
monkey donut: more street colours
monkey donut: market at night
monkey donut: fyi- joyeria means jewellery store - not store of joy
monkey donut: muchos Stefs
monkey donut: really intricate copy of mayan characters by famous Mexican multi-media artist
monkey donut: shortly before Lucha Kristina got reprimanded for sitting on the windowsill
monkey donut: at the Region of Oaxaca museum