monkey donut: gotta have clean shoes to start the new year
monkey donut: comings and goings at the cathedral
monkey donut: giant-ass nativity scene in the zocolo
monkey donut: fireworks and the school band
monkey donut: family watching the fireworks
monkey donut: firework tower
monkey donut: kirsty and la luna
monkey donut: amazing decorated roof
monkey donut: Alcala at night
monkey donut: one of the things to do on new years is have a big dinner with friends
monkey donut: sparkler wars
monkey donut: don't try this at home
monkey donut: man with sparklers
monkey donut: random happiness
monkey donut: blurry random happiness
monkey donut: kirsty calling her dad at midnight
monkey donut: shit yeah!!
monkey donut: somebody started the party early
monkey donut: spray foam fight
monkey donut: a family that sprays together stays together
monkey donut: kirsty trying to avoid fireworks and foam
monkey donut: kids playing with fireworks
monkey donut: the aftermath
monkey donut: the shit continues to go down
monkey donut: spray foam dual
monkey donut: confetti egg bombs
monkey donut: what is it with these giant inflatable pencils?
monkey donut: trying not to get set on fire
monkey donut: bokeh madness
monkey donut: earlier in the evening