monkey donut: the stripey socks are integral....
monkey donut: somersault !!
monkey donut: several attempts and one stiff neck later.........
monkey donut: yay it's the long weekend !!
monkey donut: stef's first attempt at outside jumping..
monkey donut: k's back !!
monkey donut: free John Graham
monkey donut: railslide sans sk8board
monkey donut: jumping over the train
monkey donut: overpass jump b&w
monkey donut: overpass jump in glorious colour
monkey donut: damn it, is this thing working ?
monkey donut: jumping over Downtown
monkey donut: a family that jumps together...
monkey donut: spread !!
monkey donut: weird family portrait...
monkey donut: Brio jump 1
monkey donut: Brio jump 2
monkey donut: Honour launching from a snow bank
monkey donut: Ethan jumping in the cow room
monkey donut: Ethan coming at ya
monkey donut: Dave hot tub jump
monkey donut: Dave preflight checks
monkey donut: Honour embracing the inside jump shot
monkey donut: ..... landed
monkey donut: away zone
monkey donut: blame Rod Kenny for this one
monkey donut: now with clothes and floating objects
monkey donut: picket fence