monkey donut: nice ride
monkey donut: buying corn
monkey donut: ALOHA the Bus
monkey donut: turquoise waves
monkey donut: back of a pickup
monkey donut: coin slot
monkey donut: shopping cart action
monkey donut: dreary cinema
monkey donut: bank machine
monkey donut: First Hawaiian
monkey donut: tunnel
monkey donut: Ethan exploring
monkey donut: extreme palm
monkey donut: dolphin
monkey donut: Ethan and Michelle
monkey donut: MG reflection
monkey donut: Ethan and ferns
monkey donut: Ethan climbing
monkey donut: Kirsty with fluffy fruit thing
monkey donut: watch out for the dophins
monkey donut: chameleon
monkey donut: Ethan and Cranky
monkey donut: buddha
monkey donut: dump no waste
monkey donut: the bus
monkey donut: abc store