Monkey-Finger: French roads
Monkey-Finger: MKF stops in Spa
Monkey-Finger: MKF loves the view!
Monkey-Finger: It all gets too much!
Monkey-Finger: Monkey gets some down time in the hotel
Monkey-Finger: Monkey checks out the ring!
Monkey-Finger: Monkey of the manor!
Monkey-Finger: Monkey checks out the view!
Monkey-Finger: Dinner!
Monkey-Finger: Turn Left for fun!
Monkey-Finger: Yes monkey.... it is on wonky!
Monkey-Finger: start point
Monkey-Finger: start point
Monkey-Finger: matt black s1
Monkey-Finger: Italians
Monkey-Finger: Rich's honda
Monkey-Finger: lotus 7
Monkey-Finger: german village
Monkey-Finger: T25 refection
Monkey-Finger: platform
Monkey-Finger: all set to go
Monkey-Finger: eurostar home
Monkey-Finger: Ring stickers
Monkey-Finger: Saying Goodbye