monika & manfred:
Tenth Anniversary Celebrations of the Westenfelder Organ in St. Lambrecht ahead!
monika & manfred:
Back from our St. Lambrecht home again, and working ...
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Playing organ literature for the opening service
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Two keyboards of the "jubilee"
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Making more music ... hands at work.
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Intermezzo in quadratur
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During the organ tour for children ...
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Peterskirche, on location
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Re-tuning some pipes prior to the organ tour for adults
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Interested audience showing up for the organ tour
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Demonstrating principles of tone production in an organ
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A chance to get a view beyond the ordinary - and appropriate explanations as well!
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Arrival of an old friend for the CD presentation
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Checkup before the start
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Cooperation at the organ
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Leading through the program
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Bread & wine, and some time to share with others
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Light in the darkness
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Teaching - alerting to correct posture
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Organ lesson one-on-one
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monika & manfred:
Another organ tour - catering towards youth
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High interest for the intestines of the instrument and its mechanics
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Detail of the abbey ceiling
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A young visitor volunteering to help with demonstrating an acoustic effect
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Lightning had struck and "killed" the tower clock for more than two days; bells non-functional as well.
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Preparations for the book launch
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The unexpected buffet set up in its place already
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Details of the ceiling of Kaisersaal
monika & manfred:
Welcome, everybody! Here we go ...