monika & manfred:
Air Mail Special
monika & manfred:
"Say, aren't you two of you? Monika AND Manfred?"
monika & manfred:
Waiting with the crowds...
monika & manfred:
I'm Tritonus, and you must be Manfred, right? My, you're tall...
monika & manfred:
Welcome back to Vienna!
monika & manfred:
Marking the ticket for riding on a train...
monika & manfred:
Cool suitcase ride!
monika & manfred:
I'm tired, can you carry me home?
monika & manfred:
A new day, and no longer tired... Driving a 9-seater van is great!
monika & manfred:
Let's now get in another gear...
monika & manfred:
120 kilometers per hour on the motorway! That's fast!
monika & manfred:
Safe and sound! - Helix' spitting image... ;-)
monika & manfred:
Nikon? What's that?
monika & manfred:
You have a biiiiiiiig long thing there!
monika & manfred:
Taking pictures is interesting!
monika & manfred:
Watering the blackcurrants
monika & manfred:
Locked away...
monika & manfred:
Green marbles? Can we play with them?
monika & manfred:
Wheeeee! That's fun!
monika & manfred:
You're a stitchy one! ;-)
monika & manfred:
monika & manfred:
Did anybody call for me?
monika & manfred:
Oh, great! Food...!
monika & manfred:
What's that?!? As orange as our family...!
monika & manfred:
Are you seriously going to eat that?
monika & manfred:
Okay, okay.... Lemme try a piece as well...
monika & manfred:
Hang loose!
monika & manfred:
How much washing is there still to be done?
monika & manfred:
Monika, say, does my horn look good in this angle?
monika & manfred:
Hello, and who are you then?