Monica Dranger: Rain, family and a lingering hope
Monica Dranger: The bride
Monica Dranger: Lost in self-analysis
Monica Dranger: "O que és não vem à flor das frases e dos dias. És melhor do que tu. Não digas nada: sê!"
Monica Dranger: Only the moon
Monica Dranger: "It's just the thought of you, the very thought of you, my love"
Monica Dranger: The visitor
Monica Dranger: "Describe all these with heartfelt, silent, humble sincerity and, when you express yourself, use the Things around you, the images from your dreams, and the objects that you remember. If your everyday life seems poor, don't blame it; blame yourself; admit
Monica Dranger: The light and the dark
Monica Dranger: "No pen, no ink, no table, no room, no time, no quiet, no inclination"
Monica Dranger: Country dreams
Monica Dranger: Imagination
Monica Dranger: "Daring to be ourselves is lovely and useful and true" - Alice Walker
Monica Dranger: Untitled
Monica Dranger: You can run but you can't hide