MoniLizar: Otavalo, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Otavalo, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Otavalo, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Otavalo, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Otavalo, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Otavalo, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Otavalo, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Otavalo, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Lago San Pablo, Imbabura, Ecuador
MoniLizar: Children playing at Quito's main square
MoniLizar: Children playing at Quito's main square
MoniLizar: Children playing at Quito's main square
MoniLizar: Children playing at Quito's main square
MoniLizar: 2014-08-31 Viaje Ecu - Peru 002
MoniLizar: 2014-08-31 Viaje Ecu - Peru 011
MoniLizar: 2014-08-31 Viaje Ecu - Peru 014
MoniLizar: 2014-08-31 Viaje Ecu - Peru 082
MoniLizar: Riding through the streets of San Francisco de Quito
MoniLizar: Riding through the streets of San Francisco de Quito
MoniLizar: Riding through the streets of San Francisco de Quito
MoniLizar: Riding through the streets of San Francisco de Quito
MoniLizar: Riding through the streets of San Francisco de Quito
MoniLizar: Riding through the streets of San Francisco de Quito
MoniLizar: Riding through the streets of San Francisco de Quito
MoniLizar: Riding through the streets of San Francisco de Quito
MoniLizar: Quito from "El Panecillo"
MoniLizar: Quito from "El Panecillo"
MoniLizar: Quito from "El Panecillo"
MoniLizar: Quito from "El Panecillo"
MoniLizar: Quito from "El Panecillo"