Moni'cam ツ: Happiness is....a smile from a stranger :P
Moni'cam ツ: the careful walker's footprint...
Moni'cam ツ: toad love - just had to share this one :P
Moni'cam ツ: Travelling solo in my home away from home 😎
Moni'cam ツ: Happy feet 😍
Moni'cam ツ: Unknown soldier...
Moni'cam ツ: Beautiful sky
Moni'cam ツ: Today's visitors in foggy Ålesund...
Moni'cam ツ: 2018-07-12_09-19-36
Moni'cam ツ: Various types of houses and windows ...
Moni'cam ツ: Ålesund today, seen from "my" bus... ;)
Moni'cam ツ: Sightseeing bus number 28 😎
Moni'cam ツ: The rain has arrived after the driest summer in decades...
Moni'cam ツ: I really missed my camera this morning at work 😟
Moni'cam ツ: Autumn, from my POV ...
Moni'cam ツ: At the mall
Moni'cam ツ: Sunrise on a foggy monday morning...
Moni'cam ツ: The autumn break is over, a new week at school and work started with a foggy monday morning...
Moni'cam ツ: Ålesund today...
Moni'cam ツ: norwegian west coast winter weather ...
Moni'cam ツ: At the mall...
Moni'cam ツ: Magerholm ferry
Moni'cam ツ: 20200224_100248
Moni'cam ツ: Ålesund ♥️ while waiting for the light to turn green...
Moni'cam ツ: Misty morning sunrays