mongrelheart: Rosemary House
mongrelheart: it's full of coffee!
mongrelheart: painting of the Hunley
mongrelheart: evolution of early submarines
mongrelheart: Hunley replica
mongrelheart: D inside Hunley replica
mongrelheart: Fort Sumter
mongrelheart: Fort Sumter
mongrelheart: shell embedded in bricks
mongrelheart: flags of Fort Sumter
mongrelheart: model of a base in Viet Nam
mongrelheart: planes
mongrelheart: plane with radar donut on top
mongrelheart: D with sub USS Clamagore
mongrelheart: D with model ship USS Laffey
mongrelheart: submarine USS Clamagore
mongrelheart: Patriots Point museum
mongrelheart: D with (cardboard) Roy Underhill
mongrelheart: D at hand tool shop
mongrelheart: a cornucopia of hand tools
mongrelheart: D perusing some hand planes
mongrelheart: coffee house in Pittsboro
mongrelheart: Jordan Lake
mongrelheart: cannons
mongrelheart: house where surrender was signed
mongrelheart: D at Yorktown battlefield
mongrelheart: me & D at Redoubt 10
mongrelheart: D at Redoubt 10
mongrelheart: musket demonstration
mongrelheart: musket demonstration