mongrelheart: Creation Museum entrance 1
mongrelheart: Creation Museum entrance 2
mongrelheart: "living fossils" display
mongrelheart: God Loves Variety
mongrelheart: D poses with replica of Lucy fossil
mongrelheart: placard from Lucy fossil replica
mongrelheart: two paleontologists
mongrelheart: different views of dinosaurs
mongrelheart: "different starting points" full display
mongrelheart: world history in a nutshell
mongrelheart: more on "different starting points"
mongrelheart: the history of the universe in a nutshell
mongrelheart: regarding the naming of animals
mongrelheart: Adam naming the beasts
mongrelheart: what did dinosaurs eat?
mongrelheart: animals' diets before the Fall
mongrelheart: Adam and Eve 1
mongrelheart: Adam and Eve 2
mongrelheart: the "creation orchard"
mongrelheart: the "evolution tree"
mongrelheart: apes and humans - full display
mongrelheart: there were no weeds before the Fall
mongrelheart: and this is why you women shouldn't complain!
mongrelheart: Great Flood - detail
mongrelheart: Great Flood diorama, with Noah's Ark
mongrelheart: Great Flood diorama 2
mongrelheart: the building of Noah's Ark - diorama
mongrelheart: Great Flood detail 2
mongrelheart: aftermath of the Great Flood - diorama
mongrelheart: we are snarky - 1 of 4 (D)