Mongibeddu: New, Ancient, Old
Mongibeddu: Amphitheater and Church
Mongibeddu: Amphitheater and Church
Mongibeddu: Delivering Wood
Mongibeddu: The Old and the New
Mongibeddu: Pulling into a Parking Space
Mongibeddu: Lunch with Pina
Mongibeddu: Eating Lunch, Watching the News
Mongibeddu: Farsa Italia
Mongibeddu: Farsa Italia
Mongibeddu: Waiting for Ride
Mongibeddu: Lunch
Mongibeddu: Mascolini Torte
Mongibeddu: Waking from a Nap
Mongibeddu: Antifit Rifle
Mongibeddu: Global Positioning System
Mongibeddu: Paradise of Sandwiches