mrmoneda: MLK mural
mrmoneda: Brandi
mrmoneda: Shocked?
mrmoneda: Standing around
mrmoneda: Darth Jesse
mrmoneda: Dig that groove
mrmoneda: Eight!
mrmoneda: Getting up
mrmoneda: Cute kid
mrmoneda: .... art?
mrmoneda: Can you see the snake?
mrmoneda: Mr. Mandarinfish!
mrmoneda: Craaaaab peeeeople!
mrmoneda: Aaww, bring on the cuteness
mrmoneda: Saint BOTS
mrmoneda: Time for g'byes. Aaaawww.
mrmoneda: Don't stop believin', Boston!
mrmoneda: Pete steps out from behind the wheels of steel
mrmoneda: "He was my brother" | R.I.P. J Dilla
mrmoneda: I likes her eyes
mrmoneda: Lady Sovereign, I shall remember you fondly, always, like this...
mrmoneda: The doors of possibility...
mrmoneda: Rueger
mrmoneda: The pre-lick shot
mrmoneda: "Put a finger in the air!" -Kweli
mrmoneda: The party began.... here.
mrmoneda: Common!
mrmoneda: Kweli, Common & DJ Hi-Tek
mrmoneda: Eye Was Here
mrmoneda: The Raspberry