Monceau: Space Girls Space Women - photo exhibition, Paris
Monceau: Photo exhibit on the fence of the Paris Observatory
Monceau: Camille - IPSA graduate school student
Monceau: Anita, a young Kenyan woman with a physics degree
Monceau: Armelle, an engineering student who built this experimental rocket
Monceau: Linea at space camp in Huntsville, Alabama
Monceau: ESO astronomer Koralijka Music
Monceau: T.K. Anuradha - scientist with the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
Monceau: Zainab, a young Canadian woman who will get to fly on Virgin Galactic voyage
Monceau: Noor, a Turkish girl at a space camp
Monceau: Samantha Christoforetti, Italian astronaut