Monceau: Dewberry - Rubus trivialis
Monceau: White tubular flowers - Soft-hair Marableseed - Onosmodium bejariense - Boraginaceae
Monceau: Yellow flower with green outlines on the petal - Explored!
Monceau: Mimosa bloom and bud
Monceau: White blossoms - Texas Sacahuista - Nolina texana
Monceau: Eisenhower Park trail
Monceau: Tiny purple flower, gold stamens
Monceau: Goldeneye Phlox - Phlox roemeriana - Polygalaceae
Monceau: Cobweb sac
Monceau: Purple Tradescantia cluster
Monceau: Wild Garlic - Allium drummondii
Monceau: Mimosa blooming
Monceau: Fire fighters decal - San Antonio Professional FireFighters Local 624 - squared circle
Monceau: Reading in Eisenhower Park
Monceau: Bud opening - Prairie Celestial - Nemastylis geminiflora - Iridaceae
Monceau: Gentle purple flower - Prairie Celestial - Nemastylis geminiflora - Iridaceae
Monceau: Yellow Ground-cherry - Physalis mumila - Solanaceae
Monceau: Anthers of the Yellow Ground-Cherry - Physalis pumila - Solanaceae
Monceau: Buds of Soft-hair Marableseed - Onosmodium bejariense - Boraginaceae
Monceau: Soft-hair Marbleseed - Onosmodium - Boraginaceae
Monceau: Like pink slippers - Texas Redbud blossoms
Monceau: Buds and blooms of Texas Sacahuista - Nolina texana
Monceau: Texas sacahuista - Nolina texana in bloom
Monceau: Singular Live Oak tree
Monceau: Singular Live Oak tree B&W
Monceau: Gold stamens, purple flower - Prairie Celestial - Nemastylis geminiflora - Iridaceae
Monceau: Gold stamens - Prairie Celestial - Nemastylis geminiflora - Iridaceae - Explored!
Monceau: Soft purple flower bud - Prairie Celestial - Nemastylis geminiflora - Iridaceae
Monceau: Glowing Southern Anemone - for notecard
Monceau: Glowing Southern Anemone