Monceau: Purple and white flowers in a Bromeliad "bowl" - Neoregelia concentrica - Bromiliaceae
Monceau: Yellow buds among red leaves
Monceau: Tiny purple flower among dark red leaves - Bromeliad
Monceau: Yellow flowers, red stem - Aechmea colesti
Monceau: Pink flowers with blue tips - Aechmea
Monceau: Water bubble abstract under a green house roof
Monceau: Snail moving along
Monceau: White flowers with three petals - Phinacanthus gracilis - Acanthaceae
Monceau: Green leaves with white stripes - Callisia elegans - Commelinaceae
Monceau: It's like they're rejoicing - stalk of white flowers
Monceau: Dried brown leaves around what's left of a Magnolia flower
Monceau: Quiet Summer afternoon at the Grande Serre, Serres d'Auteuil
Monceau: Frilly fern - Nephrolepis cordifolia - Oleandraceae
Monceau: In the Philodendron serre - Serres d'Auteuil, Paris
Monceau: Interesting fruit of Cucumis anguria - Cucurbitaceae
Monceau: Tiny flowers in a green center - Neoregelia concentrica - Bromeliaceae
Monceau: Buds and flowers - Nidularium lymanioides - Bromelioideae
Monceau: It's a bit complicated
Monceau: Pink spiky flower - like a shout out
Monceau: Bright red flowers
Monceau: Agave with "hair" - Agave filifera?
Monceau: Orange and pink tropical flowers - Aphelandra sinclairiana - Acanthaceae
Monceau: Parakeets in the Grande Serre
Monceau: Philodendron spathe and spadix
Monceau: The cactus serre
Monceau: Begonia leaf with circle pattern
Monceau: Vivid red flowers, hanging down
Monceau: Narrow branches hold delicate white flowers
Monceau: Delicate white and pale pink flowers
Monceau: The grande serre at Les Serres d'Auteuil, Paris 16th arr