Monceau: Union Station Washington DC pre-Inauguration 2
Monceau: Ford's Theater Washington DC with reflection
Monceau: Pre-inauguration US Capitol from the center of Pennsylvania Avenue
Monceau: Pre-inauguration US Capitol from the center of Pennsylvania Avenue 2
Monceau: Small bird on red branches
Monceau: US Capitol - several days before the Inauguration
Monceau: Portapotties on the Mall in Washington DC
Monceau: Washington Monument with necklace of portapotties
Monceau: Andrew Jackson tipping his hat to the bleachers by the White House
Monceau: Eagle - FDR Memorial
Monceau: Couple at FDR Memorial
Monceau: Men in the soup line with young boys - FDR Memorial
Monceau: Folded hands - sculpture at the FDR Memorial
Monceau: Men in the soup line - FDR Memorial 2
Monceau: Men in the soup line - FDR Memorial
Monceau: Matching hands
Monceau: Matching hands
Monceau: Fala - FDR Memorial
Monceau: Eleanor Roosevelt's hands - sculpture at FDR Memorial
Monceau: Eleanor Roosevelt sculpture - FDR Memorial
Monceau: Waterfalls - FDR Memorial
Monceau: Hands in the lap sculpture
Monceau: Sculptured feet
Monceau: Hand sculpture
Monceau: Washington Monument at the end of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, Washington DC