Monceau: Restuarant in the 13th Arr.
Monceau: Small red window
Monceau: Gate at Lycee Henri IV
Monceau: Courtyard in the 5th Arr.
Monceau: Panther graffitti
Monceau: Marmots graffitti
Monceau: Marmots graffitti
Monceau: Red bird graffitti
Monceau: Butterfly graffitti
Monceau: Butterfly graffitti
Monceau: Yellow and white butterfly
Monceau: Boy, red umbrella, lively monkey graffitti
Monceau: Graffitti man speaking flowers
Monceau: Giraffe graffitti
Monceau: Cat on a yellow boat
Monceau: Graffitti toolman with cat
Monceau: Face under a water spout
Monceau: Entrance to St. Medard
Monceau: Cat eats flower, snake enjoys flowers
Monceau: Speedy Graphito snake, flowers and red
Monceau: Speedy Graphito cat about to eat a red flower
Monceau: Flute and accordion musicians graffitti
Monceau: Speedy Graphito Resurrection
Monceau: Old shop front, 5th arr.
Monceau: Stenciled cat sneaking down the road
Monceau: Stenciled cat on shop front
Monceau: Graffitti of Jimmy the Mouseketeer?
Monceau: Graffitti of suited man
Monceau: White doorway
Monceau: Sun and waves ironwork