A Wandering Oblate: Rio de Janeiro - Corcovado
A Wandering Oblate: Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Glória do Outeiro
A Wandering Oblate: Confessions
A Wandering Oblate: The Pulpit
A Wandering Oblate: Tile Panels
A Wandering Oblate: A Panel in the Sanctuary
A Wandering Oblate: Our Lady of Glory
A Wandering Oblate: Statue above side altar
A Wandering Oblate: Fr Costa-Couto
A Wandering Oblate: The Sanctus
A Wandering Oblate: Ecce Angus Dei
A Wandering Oblate: The Tabernacle
A Wandering Oblate: Benediction
A Wandering Oblate: The Organ Loft and Schola
A Wandering Oblate: Fr. Costa-Couto teaches
A Wandering Oblate: A Group Photo