Nanayof2: Spring in Paris
Nanayof2: the blue hour
Nanayof2: inside, looking out...
Nanayof2: The Eye at Night
Nanayof2: The Winged Victory of Samonthrace
Nanayof2: Why do you want to see the big rocks?
Nanayof2: Fountain of River Commerce and Navigation
Nanayof2: You can have as many angles as you desire.
Nanayof2: St. George's Chapel
Nanayof2: Rush hour
Nanayof2: 2:10
Nanayof2: View from the Eye 2
Nanayof2: Academie Nationale de Musique
Nanayof2: La Madeleine
Nanayof2: at the train station
Nanayof2: it will take months to see every single artwork in the Louvre
Nanayof2: Moulin Rouge
Nanayof2: Inside Napoleon's Apartments
Nanayof2: Do you ever wonder what would be like to live in a place where it's always summer?