MommaVic: Black Rhino
MommaVic: stop it your teaching the littlens bad habbits lol
MommaVic: mum telling the eldest off again for showing off
MommaVic: elephants
MommaVic: elephants
MommaVic: mummy telling the eldest off for that stunt in from of the humans
MommaVic: nice family shot lol
MommaVic: and again
MommaVic: still trying
MommaVic: the kids tyring to push mummy down the hill
MommaVic: more playing
MommaVic: the elephants with a tobacco filter
MommaVic: Jumps playing
MommaVic: wildlife!
MommaVic: wildlife!!
MommaVic: Mediterraneo, Malta
MommaVic: More Wildlife!!
MommaVic: Dusty looking sooooooo cute
MommaVic: Bub and Dusty...bless
MommaVic: PIC00008
MommaVic: Ant and Dusty
MommaVic: PIC00017
MommaVic: PIC00014
MommaVic: Looking rather cute there
MommaVic: The kitties
MommaVic: Image008
MommaVic: Image009
MommaVic: One of Ant's chosen kits
MommaVic: Image012
MommaVic: Image013