MommaVic: death lilly
MommaVic: Before...
MommaVic: After....Tattoo sleeve
MommaVic: PIC00240
MommaVic: PIC00239
MommaVic: Johns tattoo
MommaVic: Johns tattoo 1/2 way there
MommaVic: Johns tattoo 1/2 way there
MommaVic: DSCF0436
MommaVic: Tobacco
MommaVic: Chess
MommaVic: Like the reflection in this one
MommaVic: Chess anyone?
MommaVic: My fave piece
MommaVic: Chess anyone?
MommaVic: Fish tank decor
MommaVic: Joshua's high-chair buddy
MommaVic: Anfield Juniors School
MommaVic: holiday misty pic
MommaVic: P1040265
MommaVic: Jean Michele Jarre
MommaVic: Jean Michele Jarre
MommaVic: 2008
MommaVic: 'Superhero' PIA at the arts centre. My costume, with removable cloak and front pocket
MommaVic: Rhys's Birthday lego game
MommaVic: BeFunky Instant 1 on iPhone
MommaVic: Even Wonder Woman can make the wrong choices sometimes ...