ireniclife: Herring gull
ireniclife: Herring gull
ireniclife: a quiet moment
ireniclife: memories of ice-creams past
ireniclife: Please get me out of here
ireniclife: Inlet, Seil Island
ireniclife: puddle
ireniclife: looking out
ireniclife: Blue Atlantic
ireniclife: landscape echoes
ireniclife: Working phone box
ireniclife: Phonebox greenhouse
ireniclife: Slate
ireniclife: Slate coping
ireniclife: Not sure what this is, any ideas? Could it be a Wheatear?
ireniclife: Meadow Pipit
ireniclife: Fladda lighthouse
ireniclife: Slate workers cottages
ireniclife: Slate beach
ireniclife: a tarn on the beach
ireniclife: Boatyard Cullipool
ireniclife: taken in the boatyard at Cullipool
ireniclife: a bit of old rust
ireniclife: a bit of old rust
ireniclife: IMG_0553 (2)