MommaDJane: Standing on hotel balcony
MommaDJane: Learning to use the xshot
MommaDJane: Dinner at Maggianos
MommaDJane: Drew, myself, Allison and Alan
MommaDJane: Arriving at the Icebar
MommaDJane: Izeafest party at Icebar
MommaDJane: Sitting in the ice chair
MommaDJane: Yes we are picking iceman's nose
MommaDJane: Allison and I posing for pics
MommaDJane: Izeafest in Icebar
MommaDJane: 26 degrees
MommaDJane: In Icebar with Courtney
MommaDJane: Glasses made from ice
MommaDJane: Sitting in ice chair with Buck
MommaDJane: Having fun at Icebar
MommaDJane: Dancing with Omarr
MommaDJane: Courtney lights up the photo!
MommaDJane: With crazy Ben Spark!
MommaDJane: Alan, myself and Drew on Manta
MommaDJane: Feeding the Sting-Rays
MommaDJane: Learning to use xShot
MommaDJane: Group photo using xShot
MommaDJane: BenSpark interview
MommaDJane: Being interviewed by Drew
MommaDJane: Manta Rollercoaster
MommaDJane: Amazing Ride
MommaDJane: The Manta