photoholic image: "Wow, so many flowers!!! I can fulfill my quota of work for the day."
photoholic image: furukawa's mansion
photoholic image: talking in whispers
photoholic image: fresh leaves of Dawn Redwood
photoholic image: Express gratitude for the world's support and the emergency aids to the tragic earthquake and the tsunami disaster
photoholic image: faces in profile of clay figures
photoholic image: an image of Asian taste
photoholic image: a bloom in dream
photoholic image: an art museum named the Roku-museum in my town
photoholic image: Roku-museum04
photoholic image: Roku-museum03
photoholic image: naked lady in full bloom
photoholic image: A flower came from the US (a flower of Jerusalem artichoke)
photoholic image: Common Water Hyacinth
photoholic image: an anemone in bloom
photoholic image: A flower of autumn
photoholic image: approaching
photoholic image: A tropical water lily
photoholic image: To all my dear flickr friends to be happy in wonderful weekend.
photoholic image: an alpine plant, KOMAKUSA
photoholic image: A lotus from ancient times
photoholic image: lilies on a ski slope
photoholic image: Morning Glory's Fair at Iriya town, Tokyo
photoholic image: P7064598m
photoholic image: A scene of the traditional fair of Morning Glory at Iriya town, Tokyo
photoholic image: P7064567m
photoholic image: a floating beauty
photoholic image: golden filaments of Hypericum
photoholic image: Hydrangea in the rainy season