EppicJenn: Alexa and the Dandy #1
EppicJenn: Alexa and the Dandy #2
EppicJenn: Alexa and the Dandy #3
EppicJenn: Life is dandy.
EppicJenn: Alexa and Shuskan
EppicJenn: Spring in Sardis Park
EppicJenn: Heron Reserve
EppicJenn: Garden Party
EppicJenn: Chilliwack Lake Beach
EppicJenn: Tidepool perspective.
EppicJenn: Lindeman Lake
EppicJenn: Chilliwack Lake in March.
EppicJenn: On the move
EppicJenn: Taken to hiking at a young age
EppicJenn: Bear Cub in Cathedral 2
EppicJenn: kids
EppicJenn: Cheam trip-65