MomentsForZen: Gang-gang Cockatoos
MomentsForZen: Currawong at the kitchen window
MomentsForZen: Sulphur-crested Cockatoos (Cacatua galerita)
MomentsForZen: White-winged Choughs (Corcorax melanorhamphos)
MomentsForZen: Superb Blue-Wren (Malurus cyaneus)
MomentsForZen: Crimson Rosellas (Platycercus elegans)
MomentsForZen: Spring courtship - Superb Blue-Wren - Malurus cyaneus - 20121103
MomentsForZen: Synchronised Pacific Black Ducks - 20121114
MomentsForZen: A pair of Gang-Gang Cockatoos - 20130103
MomentsForZen: A pair of Galahs - Eolophus roseicapilla - 20130125
MomentsForZen: Little Corella - Cacatua sanguinea - 20130501
MomentsForZen: A Chance Encounter With A Fox - Forrest - ACT - Australia - 20150404 @ 06:14
MomentsForZen: Sulphur-crested Cockatoos In Flight - Cacatua galerita - Barton - 20150607 @ 14:32
MomentsForZen: Common Brushtail Possum - Trichosurus vulpecula - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20150626 @ 05:16
MomentsForZen: Black Swan - Cygnus atratus - Pre-dawn on East Basin - Lake Burley Griffin - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20151125 @ 05:33
MomentsForZen: Urban Fox - 20130608
MomentsForZen: Magpie Lark - Grallina cyanoleuca - Barton - ACT - 20160616 @ 15:02
MomentsForZen: Red Wattlebird - Anthochaera carunculata - Barton - ACT - 20160728 @ 14:39
MomentsForZen: Australian King Parrot - Alisterus scapularis - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20160923 @ 15:08
MomentsForZen: Australian King Parrot - Alisterus scapularis - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20160925 @ 15:05
MomentsForZen: Red-rumped Parrot - Psephotus haematonotus - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20161006 @ 13:38
MomentsForZen: Crimson Rosella - Platycercus elegans - Barton - ACT - Austalia - 20161021 @ 11:19
MomentsForZen: Pied Currawong - Strepera graculina - Barton - ACT - Austalia - 20161022 @ 14:45
MomentsForZen: Female Satin Bower Bird - Ptilonorhynchus violaceus - Barton - ACT - Austalia - 20161015 @ 14:24
MomentsForZen: A Pied Currawong With An Attitude - Strepera graculina - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20161109 @ 14:16
MomentsForZen: Eastern Rosella - Platycercus eximius - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20161120 @ 15:48
MomentsForZen: Superb Blue Wren - Malurus cyaneus - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20161209 @ 13:50
MomentsForZen: White-winged Chough - Corcorax melanorhamphos - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20161224 @ 11:07
MomentsForZen: Pacific Black Duck - Anas superciliosa - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20161226 @ 10:41
MomentsForZen: Crested Pigeon - Ocyphaps lophotes - Barton - ACT - Australia - 20170105 @ 14:40