Momento Creative: Sam plays strobist
Momento Creative: Waiting for a Tram
Momento Creative: Jason on Guitar in Wellington
Momento Creative: Rachel's Cuba Street
Momento Creative: Getting the winter tan
Momento Creative: Rachel Waits
Momento Creative: The Light House Keepers Wife
Momento Creative: Little boy smiles
Momento Creative: Its Queenstown Mountain Dew
Momento Creative: Black and White Strobist Self Portrait
Momento Creative: 50mm Portrait - Black and white
Momento Creative: Black and white guitar strobist
Momento Creative: Contentment is cat-like
Momento Creative: Strobist Black and White Portrait
Momento Creative: Rachel contemplates that thing called Run
Momento Creative: Iris focus.
Momento Creative: Spring in New Zealand
Momento Creative: Lylic Burmese on Crack
Momento Creative: Stalker (Back away very slowly)
Momento Creative: Look into my Burmese eyes
Momento Creative: Hiding in the Hahei
Momento Creative: Dad contemplates Te Papa
Momento Creative: Kittens Green
Momento Creative: Alcatraz San Francisco
Momento Creative: Olvera Street, Los Angeles - Mexican Food LA Style
Momento Creative: Black and White Turbine - Hoover Dam
Momento Creative: Strobist Portrait - 50mm fun
Momento Creative: Strobist 50mm Portrait - Green Garden