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momboleum: Shooooooooot!
momboleum: Center court
momboleum: Dribbling toward the basket
momboleum: Time out; coach gives team pointers
momboleum: Pass
momboleum: Into the basket it goes
momboleum: Nice catch!
momboleum: Court action
momboleum: Grappling over the ball
momboleum: OMG look at the score - the game is over, the Lady Braves won!
momboleum: Teams shake hands after the game
momboleum: Coaches shake hands
momboleum: Still a Lady Brave even on the DL.
momboleum: Hooray for the Lady Braves!
momboleum: We made it!
momboleum: We Won!
momboleum: Principal and athletic director prepare for award ceremony.
momboleum: Second place winners Ferndale High School
momboleum: The team waits for the ceremony while their Moms take pictures
momboleum: Medal ceremony