momboleum: The kiss
momboleum: Wedding party
momboleum: The reception
momboleum: The ceremony
momboleum: Struggling up the dunes
momboleum: Ready for the beach
momboleum: Parents and couple
momboleum: Newlyweds
momboleum: Nails&ring
momboleum: Here she is
momboleum: Halfway down
momboleum: Groomsmen deliver
momboleum: Groomdudes
momboleum: Grand entrance
momboleum: G&Jules
momboleum: Fruit kabobs
momboleum: Food prep
momboleum: Down the stairs
momboleum: Dad, bride and maids
momboleum: Congratulations are in order!
momboleum: Ceremony
momboleum: Bridesmaid tat
momboleum: Bridesmaid parade
momboleum: Bride and maids
momboleum: Bride & dad
momboleum: Bridal flipflop
momboleum: Bouquet in hand
momboleum: Bridesmaid does her makeup
momboleum: Bride's hair & makeup
momboleum: 4H campers