momboleum: CG rescue 03
momboleum: Surfer & Coast Guard cutter
momboleum: Shark-bitten surfer
momboleum: Royce Fraley & Tomales FD
momboleum: Lucky man
momboleum: His board saved him
momboleum: Photog shoots surfer wounds
momboleum: CG rescue 04
momboleum: Big surf @ Dillon Beach
momboleum: 2 boats
momboleum: View out back
momboleum: Trouble brewing
momboleum: The Shark Pit
momboleum: Sunset121006
momboleum: Sunrise over Dillon Beach
momboleum: Storm on the way
momboleum: Shark attack
momboleum: Looking east
momboleum: 7am 12/08/06
momboleum: Red sky @ morning