MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Waiting for the delayed plane from Edmonton
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Getting the bikes ready to run
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Handing out the radios
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Panorama at airport
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Taking a break
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Weather Vane
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Start of the trail
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4553.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4569.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4580.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Totem Pole 2
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Totem Pole 1
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4581.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4582.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4587.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4588.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4589.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4592.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: IMG_4602.jpg
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Willies Burgers Ride Height
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Money for wallpaper and big burgers!
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Not actual size...
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Back on the road
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Raw milk dairy farm
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Raw Milk Dairy Cow 1
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Raw Milk Dairy Cow 2
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Port Townsend Lighthouse
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Row Houses in Port Townsend
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Port Townsend Building 2
MomAlwaysLikedMeBest: Port Townsend Subway?