taralees: owen's garter snake
taralees: chickadee in the snow
taralees: chickadee on a branch
taralees: mystery bird
taralees: close-up of new friend
taralees: owen's new friend
taralees: breakfast for the chickadee
taralees: chickadee friend 2
taralees: white breasted nuthatch
taralees: snowstorm buffet
taralees: heading back into the woods
taralees: wild turkey pair
taralees: Mrs. Junco
taralees: Mr. junco
taralees: the elusive blue jay
taralees: red-breasted nuthatch
taralees: downy woodpecker
taralees: waiting for his chance
taralees: cutie pie
taralees: hunting for food
taralees: good morning ducks
taralees: dragonfly nymph
taralees: water boatman bug
taralees: Sam the salamander
taralees: sweet salamander eyes....
taralees: mr. worm
taralees: Spring's mourning cloak butterfly
taralees: freshwater clam from the pond
taralees: robin
taralees: hawk