moloch05: habitat16
moloch05: habitat2
moloch05: habitat10
moloch05: habitat1
moloch05: habitat17
moloch05: Wollumbin (Mt. Warning)
moloch05: habitat, Hoop Pines (Araucaria cunninghamii) on the ridge.
moloch05: habitat Araucaria cunninghamii 2
moloch05: habitat Brindle Creek1
moloch05: habitat Brindle Creek2
moloch05: habitat4
moloch05: habitat Brindle Creek7
moloch05: habitat Brindle Creek5
moloch05: habitat Brindle Creek6
moloch05: habitat12
moloch05: habitat15
moloch05: habitat11
moloch05: habitat Stinging Tree with lichens along an overlook. Clouds often hang on the mountains so it is damp.
moloch05: habitat Antarctic Beech Tree (Notofagus moorei)
moloch05: habitat20
moloch05: habitat13
moloch05: habitat23
moloch05: habitat Brindle Creek Picnic Site1
moloch05: habitat campground1
moloch05: low clouds one afternoon
moloch05: habitat flower
moloch05: fruit quandong1
moloch05: fruit from a rainforest tree
moloch05: Reptile Carpet Python (Morelia spilota)
moloch05: Reptile Carpet Python (Morelia spilota)